>Bug CSI

>I found these remains in the garden. In fact, I’ve been finding a LOT of these remains in the garden. Any of my smart-about-bug friends know what this indicates I’ll be dealing with soon?

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>Getting Your Garden Groove Back

>I feel like the first few months of the year is a drag for the gardener in me because everything in the garden is asleep/dead OR I’ve got the garden itch but the weather just has not caught up to me yet. I find myself perusing garden centers who have not gotten their stock in so their aisles seem drearily empty. I’m just waiting around for that “after danger of last frost” time of year that all of the seed packets reference when I can finally direct sow some seeds.

If you’re looking to get your gardening groove back, I’d like to mention a few opportunities. We have two great gardening seminars in February from the Travis County Master Gardeners. More in March on lawn care and vegetable gardening. These are all free and open to the public. I hope to see some of you there.

Everything’s Coming Up Roses
February 21, 10-Noon
Sunset Valley City Hall, 3205 Jones Rd.

This class will focus on rose selection and care, including using Earth Kind Roses which have been through rigorous testing and evaluation by horticultural experts and are excellent performers with outstanding disease and insect tolerance/ resistance. Illustrations will be on hand of Earth Kind Roses plus information on site selection, soil amendments, and bed preparations. Pruning rose bushes is intimidating to many gardeners, but very good for the plants. Becoming an accomplished rose pruner takes practice. Learn about properly pruning plus the basics of rose care.

Getting Ready for Spring Gardening
February 26, 6:30-8:30
Yarborough Branch, Austin Public Library, 2200 Hancock Dr.

How can you start your garden and lawn off strong in spring? Learn how a little planning now results in healthier and more beautiful gardens all year, what makes plants thrive, and pruning and fertilization techniques to get perennials, trees and shrubs off to a strong start. Speakers will also cover lawn care, including the how and when of fertilization. Do your plants a favor and don’t miss this great kick-off to spring gardening.