Our first delivery for the new garden

This is it, the week leading up to the Titan Garden Installation day on Saturday October 15th!  Only 4 days away.  And this last Saturday we got a new addition to the garden in preparation for our native plant garden being added.  Meet Mossy, the boulder.

Mossy, so named because she is a moss rock, weighs in at 1/2 ton- that is 1000 pounds for anyone wondering.  She had her own special truck bring her to our school (I’m not implying she is a diva or anything but…).  She was so heavy, she almost broke the wood pallet she was riding on as she rode across our field to reach her final resting spot. 

Her sunny new home will end up being in the middle of our future native plant garden where she will happily provide a little hardscape structure among all the lovely plants growing around her. 

Welcome Mossy.  We are glad you’re here.

Support Our Local Independent Nurseries in October

Last night was the first drop of rain my garden has seen this summer.  It wasn’t much, but enough to celebrate.  To give you an idea of how severe our weather has been this summer and fall, we have had 88 days of 100+ weather.  The record until this year was 69.  The average is 14. ALL public boat ramps on Lake Travis are closed because the lake is at it’s 3rd lowest level on record.

 Picture of Lake Travis low elevation during 2011 drought
(picture from Texas Parks and Wildflife)

So you get it, right?  Things are pretty desperate here.  And it has been depressing having to choose what plants to try and keep alive, now that we are on stage 2 water restrictions. 

But I’m not writing to have a plant pity party this week.  This week I want to say thanks to all of our local independent nurseries out there who have held on through this long drought waiting for a time when gardeners feel safe to start and plant again.  I appreciate the selection of plants they have and the knowledge they are willing to share.  And Pam Penick over at Digging has asked the Austin Garden Bloggers to show our appreciation of these local, independent nurseries.  I wholeheartedly join in the cause!  Here are some of the plants I have bought from these local nurseries over the years that I cherish in my garden (pictures are from earlier, more lush times in the garden!).

 “Macho Mocha” Mangave
 Purple salvia- a nice break from the traditional red or white.
 Jerusalem sage- a fantastic, drought tolerate, deer-resistant choice

 Loropetalum or Chinese Fringe Plant.  I’m not a big lover of everygreen shrubs- but this one just grabs me every time I see it with the crimsom foliage.  Some varieties have green and white foliage, other’s more green/red combo or more purple.

Lamb’s Ear with Mexican feather grass.  These beauties last for years in the garden even in drought conditions.  

Confederate Jasmine, also called Star Jasmine- this vine is gorgeous come April when it blooms out insanely. And the smell, oh the smell.  I could lay in bed for days just breathing that scent.  And luckily it is right outside my bedroom window, so I can- just not for days. 

So thank you to some of my favorite nurseries who have supplied me with so many wonderful plants- I’ll be making a trip soon to bring my garden back from the brink.  Here are a few of my favorites:

Barton Springs Nursery
I love this nursery because plants are well-labeled, they carry a large stock of 4″ pots which keeps costs down, a huge selection and a helpful staff.  In addition, they have a beautiful selection of pots.  3601 Bee Caves Rd. (512) 328-6655.

The Natural Gardener
NG is just a fun place to explore.  Although a bit more of a hike down south in Oak Hill for me, I like to go and meander through the display gardens.  The staff  and set-up of the garden always prove very educational if you need some direction on care of a plant. Plus I love the Ladybug brand of products.  8648 Old Bee Caves Rd. (512) 288-6113. Click for my tour of the Natural Gardener.

Shoal Creek Nursery
This nursery is more convenient to me and I like exploring it when I have some spare time.   2710 Hancock Dr. (512) 458-5909

Red Barn Nursery
The Red Barn is located up north off 183 and they have a very nice selection and a pleasing, sprawling set-up.  Vegetables, natives, herbs, annuals, trees, they have it all.  12881 Pond Springs Road (512) 335-8093