We want more!


It’s the end of summer and a lot of the warmer season vegetables are winding down here in Texas.  The constant heat sometimes gets them, giving them little time to rest, even at night.  Or the hot and dry weather often brings on infestations like spider mites that stress out the plant. 


But one of the nice things about living here is that we have TWO warm vegetable seasons- one from March-July and another starting in August until it freezes.  So right now is a great time to re-plant those warm season veggies.  Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, green beans, peppers… 


And once the stress of the summer heat lets up a bit, those fall crops can really take off and produce like crazy.  If my tomato plants are still going strong, sometimes I will cut them back by half and they’ll get more energy for the fall.  But many times, the plants are so stressed and spent by August, I find it best to just replace them 

And who can say no to another crop of tomatoes?


Flutters and flutters and flutters…


Stopped up at the Titan Garden today and I was immediately struck by how much movement there was in the garden.  Then I noticed it was all centered around the Blue Mistflower plants.  I found a perch and sat really still and soon enough, I had wings flying all around me.  Queen butterflies.  They love the blue mistflower.  Monarchs do to but they are not on their way back from Mexico yet. 


There were about 5 Queens on our mistflower at one end of the garden.  Then I walked to the other end and saw 6 butterflies all around the mistflower at the other end.  So happy they have found our garden and decided to make it their home.  

