>I’m not the only one who loves tomatoes!

> After the loving rains of yesterday, I went out to the vegetable garden to see what was being coaxed into ripeness. I was thrilled to see my first Brandywine tomato had started to turn. That was enough for me, so I picked it to let it continue ripening off the vine in the safety of the kitchen. Away from hungry critters. Because guess what I found next…

duhn, duhn, duhn!!!!!!
This was a low hanging fruit in the middle of a giant tomato plant. I just barely saw the hint of red and reached in to grab it. I knew the moment my hand closed on it, that something was wrong. No, something was missing. Like the entire bottom half of the tomato!

But I managed to get quite a few ripe, WHOLE tomatoes this morning, so all is not lost.

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3 thoughts on “>I’m not the only one who loves tomatoes!

  1. >Oh – Bonnie – COOL! It’s like an early Christmas present when you get to eat a second crop of tomatoes, isn’t it? How many plants do you have in your garden? Is Brandywine the only variety you have or do you have others?

  2. > I have 5 tomato plants. I think I might have to become an excluysively-Fall tomato grower. I got NOTHING this spring and summer. But I must have 50 or so on the plants out there now, thanks to the cooler nights. I have Brandywine, 2 jetsetters, Cupid grape, and Lemon Boy. The Jetsetter is going CRAZY and by far has the most but the Brandywine has at least a dozen.

  3. >Wow – that’s impressive. I have a bunch, but just 3 plants. You’ll have to do a taste comparison when you have them all ripe!

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