>October Bloom Day


Here we are, one day past bloom day and I’m tardy. I just couldn’t get any pictures yesterday because it was raining. No, I said raining. R-A-I-N-I-N-G. I know, hard to believe since our September was one of the driest EVER RECORDED. Seriously, I was breaking out the sticks to start doing rain dances and other shit to get some water from the sky. But then, it just opened up. And rained. All day. Non-stop.

So here we go…
Everything is revived and cheerful in my garden today and I have some nice blooms. But the show stoppers are the plumey plants (is that a word?). The ornamental grasses. Gulf Muehly, Adagio Miscanthus, Ruby Crystals.

And I love some of the unusual forms in the garden right now. My dwarf pomegranate has both fruits and flowers hanging on it, like ornaments on a Christmas tree.

And my clematis, I swear, every bloom is a different color. This is a plant that has followed me from house to house, in rain and drought, in pot and ground. Who knows what mutations have occurred.

My moonflower continues to produce flower after flower, opening at night and perfuming the air. Here they are waiting for the darkness to come and trigger their opening.

Not pictured here but topping off my “unusual shapes in bloom” is Grapes of Gomphrena, which looks like something from a Dr. Seuss book, and Turk’s Cap, with it’s little turban-shaped flower.

Hope your garden is in bloom.

10 thoughts on “>October Bloom Day

  1. >Beautiful Bonnie! I love the grasses and the passion flower. I am experiencing jealous over your blooming moon flower! For some reason I cannot get this beauty growing here! Gail

  2. >Hi, Bonnie–I’ve just discovered your blog and I’ve had some fun reading your past few postings (I really like the one about the tarantula watching the debate–maybe he (she?) will be Joe Tarantula and show up all over the news tomorrow)–ANYWAY, your garden is lovely, and your tall grasses clearly enjoyed the rain. I look forward to reading more . . .

  3. >Hi Bonnie, lucky you with the rain. We are still waiting here in SE TN. Sigh. Your grasses are fabulous, the gulf muhly especially. I love the silvery heads. The dwarf pomegranate is wonderful as is the moonflower. Those buds are striking.Francesnew urlhttp://fairegarden.wordpress.com/ps the word verification was *proud*, no kidding!f

  4. >Bonnie,I am not sure why they won’t flower! They grow but didn’t flower! Too much water, not enough! I will continue to try them!Gail

  5. >I love your “plumey” plants, too! The only grass I have right now is purple fountain grass – maybe I’ll try some gulf muhly. So glad to hear you all got some rain – we’re getting more too and wish we could send it your way. We’ve been absolutely drenched since the beginning of July.

  6. >We missed seeing you on Sunday – but it sounds like you had a good time at Maker Faire. Your bloom day looks great, Bonnie, but why do your passionflowers come with different looks? It’s very intriguing. Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  7. >Hi Bonnie! Thanks for commenting on my blog!I sometimes miss the ability to garden all Fall and Winter like I could in Phoenix, but then once the cold weather starts here in Kansas, I find that my attention turns away from the garden anyhow. That was a surprise! lol!Your garden is just lovely as can be! I truly enjoyed your post.Cath

  8. >You’re tardy? It’s taking me awhile this time to get around to all the bloom day posts. I like the “plumey” stuff you have, too. It’s a nice mix with all the blooms.Thanks for joining in again!Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  9. >I thought your post was a TYPO when you mentioned rain. Then I realized you were posting about the RAIN we got last week. BLESSED RAIN!!! And I’m not complaining about the COOL weather either… Supp to cool down more this week. Enjoyed your flowers! Gives me inspiration for my own garden.

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